Are you doing enough to Invest in your Leaders?

Is leadership training on your “nice to do” versus your “need to do” list?  If so, you’re missing a great opportunity to create more passion for your team and your business.
If you’ve ever been involved in a company that experiences incredible growth, you know you get to a point you’re moving so fast you sometimes forget to be intentional.  Intentional about developing yourself and your team, not to mention engaging, motivating and recognizing all the people around you who are helping make your organization a success.
Lead to Inspire was blessed to be part of an annual meeting for an organization experiencing both, incredible growth and success.  Even more exciting for us was the energy in the room during the conference, there was an exuberance that doesn’t just happen organically, it is created from the top-down. 
The top executives recognized the need to pause and invest in their leaders, with varying degrees of experience.  They were intentional about what they wanted to cover, focused on assuring the knowledge shared was actionable and connected enough with their team to insight a synergy in the room that seemed unstoppable. 
A more tenured leader approached us after the first session, “This is exactly what my team needs to hear!”  His passion was obvious, his team was thirsty for knowledge but leadership, just like parenting, is tough.  There are times, what you say falls on deaf ears, that is, until someone else tells your kids the exact same thing and suddenly the light switch is flipped! 
When you have a solid foundation of leaders within your organization, just as eager to grow your business as you are, great things can happen.
If you are an emerging, new or existing leader, you don’t have to wait to start investing in yourself.  Lead to Inspires, Foundation of Leadership training starts January 24th.  For more details CLICK HERE...